
Showing posts from March, 2008

Traffic shaping, network management and other broadband carrier issues

Traffic shaping, network management - it doesn't matter what you call it because there are parties on both sides of the argument that are bound and determined to shout and be heard above the opposition. The worst part? I see and feel for both sides of the discussion. On the one hand you have people using their connection for perfectly legitimate reasons (but come on...we all "know" that the vast majority of bit torrent traffic is illegal downloads!! blind denial of this simply makes the rest of your arguments carry less weight!) who have signed up for "X" amount of bandwidth to use (for the most part) however they please. They simply expect their connectivity to work, no matter what. For the most part, I can't disagree with that stance. On the other side you have the service provider/carrier that has been making investments over time and is adding customers to their network as fast as possible. They have a mission to make every customer as happy as the other...

Scientific American: A Solar Grand Plan

This article is a virtual must read if you are at all interested in seeing what can be done to push the boundaries of what we can do to break the chain of dependence (addiction) on oil....more importantly pushing petro-dollars to the Middle East.

OK lawmaker: ‘Gays are infiltrating city councils.’

Wow, I guess it's me being naive that I am so surprised to hear a politician saying things like this in a public forum.....a bigger threat then terrorism?!?! I'd also LOVE to hear his background data on which studies show this being the death knell to America. r.

McCain is ‘arrogant,’ his advisers ’scare me.’

Here's some thoughts on McCain and the people he chooses to surround himself with from the former Chief of Staff to Colin Powell...and I have a certain amount of confidence in the kind of people Powell picks to surround himself with.

Study: Daylight Saving Time actually raises utility bills : Christopher Null : Yahoo! Tech

While the rest of the article is interesting , it's the last sentence that I like the most :) r.

Bob Dole: McCain ‘has a temper.’

Via Think Progress JUST what we're looking for in a president :)

Interesting Online Media plays

CBS steamed 50x more video content then Fox?!? I don't know what's more impressive, that number or the fact that NBC says that watching online video content increases brand recall while finding online video ads less disruptive.... That note, increased brand recall, really catches my attention. I wonder what could be done to boost that even higher? The converged/multimedia aspects of online video make the possiblities endless - from the fact that you can dynamically provide more relevant advertising in a very focused manner (i.e. if you are watching a travel show about the Caribbean you could get one ad if you are a man living in NYC vs. a woman living in the Midwest) as well as providing focused ancillary content, maybe blog posts or Wikipedia articles about the topic....providing a richer, more robust experience. And by the way, wonder how much of their soul Move Networks sold to the devil to get this deal with M$ ??

Life is like a box of chocolates

I hope someone tells this croc that "life is like a box of chocolates" sometimes you just don't know what you're going to get when you bite in......I'm guessing this guy is happy that he won't be winning the Darwin Award this year :-)

Do Not Buy: Anti-Shark Device Eaten by Irony-Loving Great White

It's a bad day at the office when your anti-shark device attracts them instead. r.

Think Progress » The economic costs of war.

here's one of the reasons that an increase in taxes is, in my mind, inevitable. that doesn't mean that EVERYONE will have to pay more taxes, it's just that we're going to need to both decrease spending (getting us out of Iraq will be a huge help here!!) and increase revenue. i'm a bit more likely to trust the guys at goldman and nobel winning economists then the white house on issues like this.