I realize that this is going to be coming across quite nerdish as it's just a few posts past my "hip hop yoda" but how in the world, being a child of the 70's as I am, could I pass up reading about "How the Death Star Works"? I mean, come on folks! This is the DEATH STAR that we are talking about. Home to Lord Vader and all that is evil in the universe ;)

Yet again, like with Yoda and other forms of random, the Internet continues to amaze me. How else would someone be able to distribute such a ridiculously excellent form of entertainment without spending too much time or money getting it published for print (and just exactly what mag would this work in? a fanzine of some kind or maybe Popular Science?) or do be some kind of special on a network - which would be basically the only two ways to go just a few short years ago.

The only problem that I see with the fracturing of the media world is how we find things we like. If there are 450 channels on - how do we know when a show we like will be on? There will need to be a merger of web based community ranking technology with the digitial distribution so that we can find what we like when we want it.


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